About me

For more than 20 years, my passion has been to develop the right solution for my clients, focusing not only on the obvious criteria but also on the underlying value creation, the added value.

I was able to prove this both at the beginning of my career as a software developer and later in technical sales of international telecommunication solutions for major customers.

My next stop led me into the world of IT outsourcing with projects > 50M€ order volume. The project size, the pace, the numbers and the complexity are many times higher, but the clients’ demand for a targeted, value-creating, future-oriented solution is the same. Here I was able to successfully accompany a large number of very exciting projects over many years and support customers in the implementation of a completely new type of IT delivery. In the process, I was also able to sharpen my understanding of complex business case decisions, as well as lead large international project teams.

The urge to prove my leadership skills with my own team of subject matter experts led me to my next stop, back in traditional, technical sales. Together with my colleagues, I was responsible for technical sales for the customer segment of the largest international customers in Central Europe. In addition to management responsibility, the focus here was on hard sales work. Pipelines had to be filled and forecasts had to be prepared, as well as customer potentials had to be developed.

After 5 years in this role I was drawn to the other side, I wanted to get my hands “dirty” in the engine room and move out of sales into delivery. My path led me to internal IT, just in time for the start of a major transformation programme, the conversion of a classic silo-oriented IT landscape to a central enterprise service management platform based on ServiceNow.

Since that time, I have been very intensively involved with the benefits and challenges of the ServiceNow platform. In particular, I have gained a great deal of practical experience in the introduction, optimisation and ultimately the possibilities of creating real added value for customers with it. I am happy to make this knowledge available to my clients in the context of this IT consultancy and would be pleased to count you among them.

If you would like to know more about individual stages of my career, or how I can help you, please contact me via the contact form.